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Available Thursday 5th September to Monday 30th September
**at participating stores while stocks last**
The Magic Box Chardonnay & Cabernt 750ml

The Magic Box Chardonnay & Cabernt 750ml

  • Displaying a mellow yellow hue, this Chardonnay exhibits elegant aromas of citrus and tropical musings. The palate portrays distinctive buttery complexity supported by ripened fruit and vanilla complexity from oak maturation, finishing fresh yet intense.

    This Chardonnay is a fresh and flavoursome wine with great personality. Introduce to your friends and family with a casual dinner of grilled seafood or chicken, as well as your favourite creamy pasta dish to really impress. 

  • Deep purple in colour and intrigue, this wine enchants with powerful aromas of blackberry and dark plum. Unmistakably a South Australian Cabernet Sauvignon, it has a soft yet compelling tannin profile. The palate has a bounty of fruit weight balanced by oak flavours of vanilla and mocha.

    Pair with equally impressive dishes such as slow-roasted lamb shoulder with earthy root vegetables, or rich tomato based pasta sauces. 

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